Sunday, June 16, 2024

They're here! "The World of da Vinci" Litter has arrived!

 Horsetooth Whippets is proud to introduce...

The World of da Vinci Litter

Born 06/15/2023
All pups are named for da Vinci's colleagues, apprentices, sponsors, or paintings.

Pups arrived in near-record time and mama Brie is doing well after whelping 7 healthy pups in just 2 hours and 17 minutes!

Here are the details and some early pics!

La Joconde (The Mona Lisa)
Arrived at 12:50pm.  Female, Blue & White Parti-marked.
Birth weight:  300g

Ginevra de' Benci  
Arrived at 1:35pm.  Female, Solid Fawn/Red with black mask.
Birth weight:  252g

Cecilia Gallerani 
Arrived at 1:30pm.  Female, Black & White Parti-marked.
Birth weight:  260g

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio de Urbino)
Arrived at 2:11pm.  Male, Black & White Parti-marked.
Birth weight:  215g (he's a little fellow!)

Ludevico Sforza, Duke of Milan
Arrived at 2:31pm.  Male, Solid Black.
Birth weight:  255g

Leonardo da Vinci
Arrived at 2:47pm.  Male, Irish-marked Red Brindle.
Birth weight:  258g

Salai (Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno)
Arrived at 3:07pm.  Male, Solid Red/Fawn with black mask.
Birth weight:  262g

Mama Brie says, "Ooof!  That camera flash is BRIGHT!"

Salai & Ginevra have already established themselves as CLIMBERS!  One (or both) of them can often be found on top of "Mt. Brie" commonly.  Here's Salai, on top of mom.

Busy mama's been utterly enthralled with keeping them warm, fed, and clean.

Puppy Lineup with name tags.  (Click any pic to enlarge.)

Close-up of the lineup w/ a Brie foot photobomb.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jennifer, you're Houndstooth is definitely on a roll! They are all looking beautiful andin splendid health!
