Thursday, April 25, 2024

Gangsters - almost 7 weeks!

 Just a few pics of the pups inside & out.  LOTS of climbing, jumping, sniffing and exploring going on, as the pups have ventured off the deck and into the yard.

We've got a bunch of huge logs down for erosion control and they had a blast using them as a makeshift, natural jungle gym.

Miss Independent, Bonnie, was impossible to catch until she finally tired out.

Bonnie - posing for the camera, even when she's sleepy.

All the blues had already put themselves to bed in their pen.

Lineup of everyone but Twist.  
(From back:  Opal, Nelson, Bonnie, Floyd)

Opal & Lyla

Bonnie - "I eat this vine."


Sniffy Nelson

So busy!

Twist - exploring the log parkour course.

Pretty Boy Floyd

Opal checking out Uncle Chewy's favorite tire toy and Nelson - still sniffing away!

Nelson - getting ready to try out log parkour.



Nelson - back to sniffies.

Busiest nose in the bunch.

Great Aunt Theo, Old Man Fermi, Nelson & Floyd


Grandma Trinity

Mama Lyla's checking out the parkour course.


Nelson - yep...still sniffing.

Twist, nibbling some bark.

Bonnie - flashing by!

Nelson & Floyd striking a pose.

Bonnie - queen of the hill.

Twist & his pinecone.

Nelson & Twist

Floyd & Nelson


Bonnie - under the picnic table...and about to LAUNCH at the camera!

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