Sunday, June 23, 2024

da Vinci pups - day 8

 Another 'first' for the da Vinci pups today- 1st toenail trim!  Mama Brie will be happy for shorter nails on these little snackers.

And...when you're getting old, there's no limit to the amount of extra equipment it takes to trim teeny, tiny puppy toenails.  Extra strong reading glasses AND a headlamp were very helpful, in spite of looking a little like Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane in Tim Burton's "Sleepy Hollow!" 

  Next time, I'm using knee pads, as well!!!

Brie is looking at me like, "What in the heck is on your head?!"

Bookends - Ginevra (left) & Salai (right)

It's a Parti Party!
From left:  Cecilia, Raphael, La Joconde

Leonardo (top) & Ludevico

Puppy pile!


  1. I love the headlamp!! They're getting so big!

    1. It's funny - they're actually a *tiny* bit on the small size (of our database of 'averages') - but with some of our REALLY huge pups lately, I feel like the numbers are slightly skewed, lol.
