Monday, June 13, 2016

May & June 2016 - Birthdays, Show & Race Results

Whew!  We've gotten a bunch more birthday pics of past pups, and also some show results and race results to add to this big update:

Show News:

It's been a really busy spring so far for Horsetooth Whippets.  Chewy has continued to excel in the showring, picking up 2 more points toward his AKC Championship in Wyoming on Memorial Day weekend, and in Longmont the following weekend.  He's now only got 2 points to go before he hits the required 15 points, including both of his majors.

Racing/Running News*

5 of the Horsetooth crew went down to Peyton this past weekend with Jen for some Oval Track racing, sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Borzoi Club.  While there were not enough entries to make it an official race for whippets, we did have an 11-dog field and the HT dogs did pretty well:

Bok Choy came in second place for the day, picking up another 9 points toward his OTR title.  His 1/2 brother, Feynman came in 4th for the day; and full sister Lychee came in 5th.   Spicy Duck ran her heart out, but had to be scratched after her second race due to a badly torn pad.  

And 9 year old Matriarch Penelope proved she's still got it - hanging in there for all 3 of her races - that's 1146 yards run for the day for them all!

*Check out the list of fun runs, solo sprint trials, and racing schedule at the bottom of this post, if you're interested in doing some running/training with your whips.  They all love to do it!

Birthday Past Pup Updates:

Ok, first up, we've got Heath (HT Heath Bar) & True (HT Gummi Bear)'s 2-year Birthday pic  They celebrated on May 25th and May 27th, respectively:

Next up, we've got Fossy (HT Pixie Stix) and Newton (HT Zagnut) - also in the May 25th and May 27th birthday crowd:

Next up, we've got Birthday kids, Omar (HT Oh Henry!) and Kima (HT Skittles) - also from the May 25th birthday crowd, celebrating with birthday bones, doggie meatloaf and lots of snuggles:

Next up, we've got Breezy (HT Twizzler) - celebrating her 2 year birthday on 06/08; hanging out with her poodle buddy, Bentley:

Next up, Birthday boy Chief (HT Rolo), also from the 06/08 birthday crew:

Next up, we've got Franklin (HT Clark Bar),  Chief and Breezy's brother from the 06/08 birthday group...Franklin's clearly not sweating turning 2 - he's looking pretty happy with all of his awesome beds and snuggle buddies - humans AND whippet buddy, Sully:

Now THAT is quite the dog bed.

*Running Schedule 2016
For folks who think they might like to give lure coursing or racing a try, here is the list of upcoming events posted so far for the year, with abbreviations explained below.  We'd love to see you out there!   :

July 16 ZASSC 4
July 17 Fun RunAugust 13 Fun RunAugust 14 ZASSC 5October 1 ZASSC 6October 2 Fun RunNovember 26 Fun RunNovember 27 ZASSC 7

NAWRA (straight track - 200 yards) is June 25-26
NOTRA (oval track - 400 yards) is July 23-24, Aug 13-14
You'll want to mostly look at Fun Runs to start, but coming out to ANY event is good (we often have time to train pups after events are over, or in between), and we ALWAYS need extra hands around.  Coming out to any and all events is great, as you really get a feel for the people and everything...
ZASSC = Zoiboyz Annual Solo Speed Challenge - single (solo), timed sprints w/ prizes at the end of the year.  Once a dog is hot on the lure, these are GREAT for continued conditioning and getting them to stick to the lure (so they don't course the other dogs instead of the lure and get disqualified in coursing and racing).  Stats and more info are here:
Fun Run = open to all breeds, training & conditioning runs for all.
All events are at the Zoiboyz ranch in Peyton.  You should join the FB group: