Tuesday, June 18, 2024

da Vinci pups, days 2 & 3

 Yesterday was a BIG day for the da Vinci pups.  They took their first car ride to work, and spent the day nursing and snuggling and sleeping with their mama while we processed raw dog food for the pack for the week.

They traveled just fine, and settled right into the pool at work, just like at home.

Here are pics from home & work - it's amazing to see how much they've already grown as the pics progress.

Brie says, "I made these!"  

Brie's cousin, Scarlet, is sooo interested in the pups - she keeps hopping up on our doggy bunk beds to peek at them over the edge of the whelping pen.

Snuggle fest - Ginevra & Leonardo

Un-phased by traveling to work, the pups did their normal nursing/sleeping routine like nothing had changed.

Ginevra (top) and Leonardo with mom.

So sleepy mom & pups.
From left: Cecilia, Joconde, Ginevra, Salai, Ludevico, Leonardo & Raphael

Silly Ludevico!  He fell asleep in the tub during the morning weigh in this morning!  And he's already perfecting 'the whippet head hang' over the side.

Salai, Ginevra, Joconde, Raphael, and Cecilia.

From top:  La Joconde, Leonardo, Ludevico, Cecilia, Salai, & Ginevra.

Same lineup!

These guys love to snuggle, and so does Brie!