Thursday, June 20, 2024

da Vinci pups days 4 & 5

 Not a lot to report!  The pups are doing their normal puppy things - sleeping, eating, sleeping, eating...later, rinse, repeat.

All are gaining well, and little Raphael broke into the 300's in the morning weigh in.  He's up to 331 grams!  Everyone else is in the 400's (with Ginevra right at 401g, and Chunky Monkey La Joconde at 477g!)

On to some recent pics:

Leonardo and mom snuggles.

Warming up under the heat lamp during our little 'cool snap' of weather.

The gang's all here!  

Can't manage to snap a pic of sleeping Brie without her hearing the camera flash, and cracking her eyes open!  Just goes to show how alert mama dogs are, even when they're supposedly 'sleeping'.

La Joconda!

Ludevico & Raphael

The Milkbar is open for business.

Proud mama.

And...back to looking like she's had too much to drink!  😆

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