Thursday, June 27, 2024

da Vinci pups - days 9 to 11

Brie continues to keep these guys immaculately clean, fat, and happy.  Eyes should be popping open very soon.

We're seeing a few trends in personality already:

Ludevico is a 'diver' when he nurses - almost ALWAYS at the bottom of the pile!  He's done this since day one.  Mama Brie, and his full sister, Bug, are famous for burrowing under their blankets and bedding, so maybe he'll be like them, liking to be covered up!

Both of the red/fawns, Ginevra and Salai, are climbers - they are the two most likely to climb up on Brie and then slide down behind her and need rescuing.  A few days ago, they climbed her and ended up on the blanket buffers I've began putting around the outside of the pool so that no one goes 'overboard'.  I woke up to find them both on top of a pile of blankets (outside the pool) sleeping happily like a pair of bookends.

Leonardo da Vinci himself is also becoming quite a climber.

Joconde, Cecilia and Raphael haven't revealed their whippet puppy superpowers yet, other than just be cute as buttons!

On to some pics:

Getting SO big!
La Joconde, Ludevico (underneath!) and da Vinci at the milkbar; Raphael, Ginevra, Ceclia, and Salai napping.

Ginevra, Raphael (top) Ceclia, Salai

La Joconde, sneaky Ludevico underneath, and da Vinci

Happy mom and pups - da Vinci has climbed Mt. Brie!

From left:  La Joconde, Ginevra, Cecilia, Salai, da Vinci, Ludevico, Raphael

Puppy Pile!
In spite of our hot days lately, these guys LOVE to cuddle each other - they're rarely spread out all over the pool like litters of the past.  

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