These pups, like the man who inspired their litter theme, are super precocious!
As soon as their eyes popped open, they were walking around like they owned the world - and bailing out of their small baby pool. So, it was time to switch to the big pool, on only day 13!
This is a new record, but they are clearly ready for the bigger pool, with higher sides to keep them in, and also more room to spread out, practice walking, and start litter box training. They'll also be starting on some solid raw dog food next week. Time is just flying by!
Raphael and Ginevra began the day yesterday with fully open eyes.
La Joconde & Cecilia had eyes partially open.
Salai, Ludevico, and Leonardo da Vinci were keeping them shut for a bit longer!
Today, everyone has at least partially opened eyes, and by tomorrow all should be fully open. They're not focusing yet, and we'll be going no-flash on the camera for a few days to protect the newly opened eyes from too much light.
On to some pics!
A few pics while still in the small pool - and taking up so much room!
Cecilia (at Brie's butt), Ludevico & Raphael tucked into her legs. Little Ginevra at her back feet. Leo da Vinci, Salai, and La Joconde stretching out.
Ooops! Brie appears to have lost an ear!
Mealtime for everyone - Brie's snacking on chicken necks & quarters and some pork liver and beef kidneys while the pups snack on HER!
Happy mom and full pups.
In typical Brie fashion - burrowing under the bedding while Salai & Ginevra nurse. 😂