Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July! da Vinci pups days 18 & 19

 It's a big day for the pups - they ate their first solid meal this morning and loved it! 

Even though we've now been feeding a raw diet for 9 years, and this is our 9th litter of pups to wean directly to raw, I am still amazed at how well they take to it - every time!  Back when we still fed kibble, weaning was much more difficult (lots of pups took many days & attempts to start eating solid food), and much more messy. 

But with the raw diet, it's clear when they're ready to wean (they start climbing into mom's bowl and licking at the food enthusiastically!), and they all start eating right way - plus, no nasty G.I. upsets!  

Their little digestive tracts are MADE for raw food, so there are no harsh adjustments to kibble, which requires a totally different ph than what a dog's natural ph is for easy digestion and use of the food.

Brie will keep feeding them for at least another 3 weeks (some moms nurse pups until they go to their new homes!), but this will begin to lighten the burden for her as they transition to eating mostly solid, biologically appropriate raw food.  

We'll do a whole blog post on feeding raw soon to get our new puppy homes started.  

For now, on to the pics of the last few days:

Attentive mama Brie.
Lineup from the left:  Cecilia, da Vinci, La Joconda, Ginevra, Ludevico, Salai, Raphael (at the milkbar).

Leo da Vinci and a bit of Raphael and Cecilia.

From left: Ludevico, a bit of Joconde, Ginevra, Raphael (back), Cecilia, Salai, Leo da Vinci.

Ludevico, La Joconde, and a bit of Ginevra.

Sleepy Rahael!

"Oh, wait!  Did someone say my name?"

La Joconde, Ludevico, Ginevra, Raphael, Salai, Cecilia.

Starting to wake up and look for trouble...

Nope - back to sleep.

Ludevico and Leo aren't tired!

Leo says, "Oh, excuse me.  Sorry.  Excuse me.  Was that your head I stepped on?"

Ceclia and mama Brie cuddles.

Ginevra joining in on the head snuggle fest.

First solid meal!  Beef blend from Raw Dog Food & Co. - a complete meal of bone, organ, and muscle meat.

They GOBBLED it up!

La Joconde topping off her meal with a trip to the milkbar.

They're getting so big!

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