Tuesday, July 2, 2024

da Vinci litter days 15 to 17

 Not much new to report.  Pups continue to mostly eat and sleep, with very short bouts of being awake all at once and doing some beginning play biting/chewing of each other and their mom - just for a few seconds, before falling back asleep!

As a group, they still continue to snuggle - a LOT!  Even when it's quite warm, this crew seems to like to be touching each other in sleep...this may be a sign they're going to take after their Grandpa Johnson and be super snugglers!

On to a few pics:

It's a Parti Party!  La Joconde, Cecilia, and Raphael snoozing together.

Leo da Vinci, Ginevra, Salai, and Ludevico

Cecilia climbing Mt. Brie!

Mama & Ginevra and a snippet of Raphael.

Lunch time for Salai & Leo da Vinci.  Nap time for Cecilia & Raphael.

La Joconde and Ludevico, with a snippet of Salai & Leo.

Puppy snuggles - Salai, Ginevra, Leo da Vinci, Raphael, La Joconde, Ludevico, Cecilia.

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