Monday, August 19, 2019

Power of Cheese days 35 to 37 & Past-Pup Pupdate

It's been a really busy week with on-going construction projects, work, and puppies, but we've caught some really fun pics of the pups over the last couple of days, as they've graduated out of the confinement of their whelping pen and enjoying some free run in our living room:

First up, Stilton was the first to discover the cave bed...a whippet's natural habitat!

Pepper Jack - looking thoughtful.

Sleeping whippet puppy in 3...2...1...

Zola - hoarding ALL the toys for sleeping with.

A couple of shots of Brie - looking a little perplexed!


Gentlemanly Gouda with his crossed paws.

Gorgonzola - still snoozing on her pig.

Colby has now located the cave bed.

Colby - wondering WHY he has to share the bed with sister Fontina.

Brie- still not sure why I keep pointing the camera at her.

Fontina - REALLY enjoying the bed.

Colby - out for the count.


Brie - still looking perplexed by the camera.

Wistful Fontina

Zola & Colby sharing the cave bed.

Pepper Jack can't resist invading the cave bed.


Colby, Zola, Gouda


Zola can't keep her eyes open.

But Stilton can.


Pepper Jack

Gouda - passed out!

And so is Stilton!

Brie & Zola

The 'whippet head hang' - compliments of Colby.

Zola & Brie

Snoozin' Zola

We've also got some fun pics of 2 past pups.

First up, Rohan (HT Jules Winnfield), a cousin to the Cheese pups on their mom's side:

And a couple of bedtime shots of Bedahlia (HT Aunt Bedelia) - though not related to the Cheese pups, she looks a lot like a bunch of them!  

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