Monday, May 11, 2015

05/11/15 Pupdate

This is the stage that the pups are mostly busy sleeping and eating.  Moms spend most of their time sleeping and nursing.   We did dewclaws on Polli's litter yesterday, and will do Lychee's today.

The colors of most of the pups are just beginning to emerge a bit more.  The red and bridle pups will change considerably over the next few weeks.  The brindle pups always look muddy brown or gray until their coats clear and begin to show where the stripes will be.

We expect their red colors to get deeper and deeper as well.  Little Domino (Lychee's only red pup with no brindling) is already starting to have a deep, clear red coat.  So pretty.

The white markings will change with time a bit as well.  Some of the white markings will spread and get larger, while others may disappear or get smaller as color seeps in.  It's a really fun process to watch how much they change!

With Polli's pups, we know the two blues - Sir Hugo Drax & Lavender Peacock - will keep their steely blue color just like their mom.  The blue fawns in that litter may have a lot of color changing to do, as well.

So far, it looks like Max Zorin & Dr. No will most likely be about the same color as their daddy, Johnson.  We'll have to see if any of the pups keeps their masks like their dad has.

Auric Goldfinger looks like he might turn into the same gorgeous, almost 'platinum' blue fawn - like his full brother Morpheus from the Matrix Litter.

On to the pics...brace yourselves for cuteness overload:

 Great line up of Lychee's litter:  From top to bottom - Kissy Suzuki, just a bit of Fransisco Scaramang's rear, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Xenio Onatopp, Domino Vitalli, Zoe Nightshade.

 Kissy, Scaramunga's rear again, Blofeld, Onatopp, Domino, Nightshade.

 Polli snuggling Dr. Julius No and Lavendar Peacock.  Such a proud mamma dog!

 Auric Goldinger...squishing brother Sir Hugo Drax.

 Polli and Dr. No again.

 Great shot of the different colors - remember, they'll change a lot!  And a nice shot of Kissy's little brindle kiss mark in her white color and Domino's tiny white butt spot.

 From top:  Kissy, Domino, Scaramanga (love that wide white blaze with a widow's peak on his forhead), and a bit of Zoe Nightshade.

 From left:  Lavender Peacock, a bit of Dr. No, Auric Goldfinger, Max Zorin, and Sir Hugo Drax.

Lychee's still not a fan of the camera (we predict she'll get used to it with all the photos we'll be taking!), but is starting to look pretty happy about showing off her pups. 

 Spicy Duck gets in on some of  the action while peeking over the edge of the kennel to see the puppies.  She's a 1/2 sister to Polli's litter, and an aunt to Lychee's.

 Scaramanga (top) and Xenia Onatopp.

 "Synchronized Nursing" competition....Kissy, Nightshade, and Blofeld get a 10 from the judges....Scaramanga and sister Xenia Onatopp are skipping the 'hands up' move.

 Francisco "Pistols" Scaramanga

 Kissy Suzuki

 Zoe Nightshade

 Polli snuggling Auric Goldfinger

 Dr. Julius No

Mama Lychee w/ Scaramanga (sleeping in the left upper corner), Kissy Suzuki, Zoe Nightshade, Domino, and Xenia Onatopp 

 Max Zorin, Sir Hugo Drax (upside down nursing!!!), Lavender Peacock, Dr. No.

 Sir Hugo Drax

 Max Zorin and Lavender Peacock

Zoe Nightshade and Domino Vitalli

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