Tuesday, January 31, 2023

"Everybody out of the pool!"

 Another big day for the Oo pups - no more whelping pools!  They gained their freedom to romp around in the whelping pen and made the adjustment with no problems. 

They already have discovered the joy of sleeping in their cave (kennel), which makes for early crate training, and are hopping in and out of the litter boxes with ease, as well.

This group has been one of our cleanest litters ever, thanks to the help of super-mom, Dots...but it also seems they themselves are just a naturally clean group - which makes our lives easier, for sure.  😊

I couldn't resist taking a pic of the pristine whelping pen just before cutting them loose in it - it'll never be that clean and organized again, haha!

Also caught some video of their first few minutes with new-found freedom.  It won't be long before they're ready to be cut loose in our living room and into the big open spaces of the training rooms at the training facility.

First up, a few pics from their last day or two in the pool:

Osgood Magoo - perfecting the 'roach' sleeping position.

Betty Boop, Oodles, the fox toy, Toodle-oo, Doodle (roaching!) and Loocey Loo.

Oodles says, "Oh, HAI!"

The rare and elusive Doodle Roach.

Meanwhile...Osgood also stilllll roaching.

Later - Osgood showing off his pink bubble gum toe beans.

The whelping kennel - just before introducing the pups.

These guys are so big, they already fill up a medium kennel, and here we have Oodles and Loocey Loo spilling right out of it!  I might actually have to add another one to the set up.

And some video of the pups' first time in the pen:

Oodles - last pup standing!

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Oo pups - 3.5 weeks

A little cold weather isn't slowing down the Oo's...they've been happily playing, eating, and snoozing under their heat lamp...they have no idea it's going to get much colder before it gets better!  

They're already getting their sharp little puppy teeth poking through, still enjoying their solid food (along with Dots' plentiful milkbar), and living the good life in general.

Just waking up...

Toodle-oo says, "Do I smell food?"

Doodle & Betty Boop (back)...still too sleepy to come investigate the food bowl.

Osgood Magoo & Oodles were all over it.

Toodle-oo would rather taste her own foot.

Osgood & Loocey Loo (front)

Now Toodle-oo thinks its more fun to harass poor Betty Boop than go eat.

"Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake UUUUUUP."

Doodle says, "I'm up!!!!"

Meanwhile...back at the food bowl...Oodles & Loocey Loo

Now Toodles is fussing sister Doodle!

Doodle says, "You think you want a piece of me?  Bring it."

And...more Oodles & Loocey

Toodle-oo finally made her way over to the bowl, along with Osgood & Betty Boop.

Doodle checking out some toys.

Clockwise from the top:  Betty Boop, Oodles, Loocey, Doodle, Toodle-oo, Osgood

"Nom, nom, nom, nom...."

Toodle-oo says, "If all else fails, get INTO the bowl to get a better feeding position..."

From left:  Loocey Loo, Doodle, Oodles, Betty Boop & Toodle-oo

Doodle seeks revenge on sister Toodle-oo

Toodle-oo doing a great Sharpei impression with all those face wrinkles!

Doodle & Osgood - last ones munching

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Oo's first solid (raw!) meal

Question:  How do you know when it's time to add raw food to the milkbar?  

Answer:  When the response is this enthusiastic!

On the menu today was a premade raw puppy food grind from Raw Dog Food & Co.  They dove right in and ate the whole dishful.

Stay tuned for more information on how and why we feed all of our adult whippets and puppies a biologically natural, appropriate raw diet, and for now...enjoy some crazy-cute videos!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Big Pups, Big Pool, Big Developments

 Just a quick pop in with an update (more pics and hopefully videos soon).

Pups continue to thrive and grow - still about 10 days ahead of the curve on size!

They graduated to our 'big pool' yesterday with more room to stretch out, the addition of toys, since they're just now beginning to play some... and also starting potty training, with introduction of the puppy litter & litter boxes.

Mostly sleeping and growing today.

Solid food will begin later this week, as well.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

15 days - all eyes open & starting to walk!

 Eyes open and full of beans!

Doodle & Toodle-oo were wide awake and ready for action today.

Loocey Loo

Osgood Magoo


Oodles of Noodles


Betty Boop

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Eyes Opening!

 We're at day 13 and the Oo's eyes are just beginning to crack open, right on schedule (days 12 to 16 are about the norm).

They should be fully open in about a day or two.  We'll do no-flash photography for about a week to protect those new peepers, but now the cuteness will REALLY begin.

Pups had their second toenail trim today and did much better - still wiggly, but not quite as much as the first time.

Our resident Maine Coon cat, Uncle Buck, has taken an interest in this litter, just like he did with our last puppies - always present for daily weigh-ins, and was sooo 'helpful' for nail trims today.

Dots is still protective and not allowing the rest of the dogs to interact with the pups, but for some reason is fine with Uncle Buck hanging out with her and the pups.

Speaking of daily weigh-ins - these guys continue to break records!  Such fat little potatoes.  

Current weights:

Loocey Loo:  1162 grams

Osgood Magoo:  1209 grams

Toodle-oo:  1183 grams

Oodles of Noodles:  1005 grams

Doodle:  1146 grams

Betty Boop:  1078 grams

No need to adjust your screen - Uncle Buck really IS almost as big as mama Dots!
(Top row of nursing pups from left to right:  Doodle, Toodle-oo, Oodles, Loocey Loo.  Second row:  Betty Boop & Osgood Magoo  - doing a headless puppy impersonation)

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Oo pups days 9 to 11

The Oo pups are still mostly just sleeping, eating, and GROWING!  Eyes should be popping open soon, and then the real fun will begin.

Current weights are:

Loocey Loo:   980 grams, or 2.16lbs    (birth weight - 392 grams)

Osgood Magoo:  1001 grams, or 2.21lbs   (birth weight - 382 grams)

Toodle-oo:  954 grams, or 2.10lbs (birth weight - 366 grams)

Oodles of Noodles:  850 grams, or 1.87lbs (birth weight - 331 grams)

Doodle: 930 grams, or 2.05lbs (birth weight - 337 grams)

Betty Boop:  890 grams, or 1.96lbs (birth weight - 363 grams)

Just to give a little perspective on how big these pups are - the average age pups reach 1000 grams is about day 18; so some of these guys are about a full week ahead of the curve! 

Mama Dots is willing to leave them a bit more often, as she gets over the need to be with them constantly (goodness knows they don't need to eat constantly!)  That allowed for a couple more pics of them all 'puppy piling' together, along with their first visit from a relative - Auntie Lychee, who is Dot's older full sister, got to give them a good sniffing and once over while Dots took a break from them.

Aunt Lychee giving the crew a 'once over.'

Puppy pile!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Oo Pups days 6, 7 & 8

Happy 1-week Birthday to the Oo pups!

First toenail cut today (01/12) and they've made the trek to work with Jen a few times and done great.  They continue to be really Chunky Monkeys - breaking our weight records almost daily.  :)

Not a lot else going on - just eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping....

Basketful of Puppy Goodness

Proud & happy mama dog.

Dots & Oodles

Sleepy girl and her pups.

Dots and Oodles

The milk bar is officially open...