Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 2019 - Pupdate!


We've got good news!  It looks like our breeding of Johnson & Lychee was certainly successful, as she's looking more and more like a little torpedo than a whippet.  Her anticipated due date is July 19th, 2019.

Now the really hard part begins - waiting for a healthy whelping, working to keep pups hearty and healthy through the first few delicate weeks, and then waiting while personalities develop and begin to show.

I'll try to snap some 'belly shots' of Lychee and post soon!


Past Pupdate

We've had some great pics roll through of past pups to share lately, as well:

First up, we've got Birthday Boy, Moonpie from our Olde Time Candy Litter pt. 1, who turned 5 on May 25th; and Birthday Girl, Indy (formerly JuJubes) from the Olde Time Candy Litter pt. 2, who turned 5 on June 8th:


Next up, we've got more housemates & OTC Birthdays, sharing some snuggles in a favorite chair - Newton (aka Zagnut) who turned 5 on May 27th; and Fossey (formerly Pixie Stix) who turned 5 on May 25th.


Next up, we have OTC3 Birthday Girl, Breezy (aka Twizzler), enjoying some sunshine on her June 8th birthday.


And a couple more of Heath (OTC1) and True (OTC2) - I still can't believe all these guys are 5 already!
