Monday, February 18, 2019

Past Pupdate - February 2019

Well, here we are already in the middle of February, and we've got a bunch of pics of past pups we wanted to share:

Wilson J. Castaway - doing a pre-walk routine in the laundry-room...

Playing chase with some buddies at the park 

 And snuggling with a new friend at the pet sitter's - gentle GIANT, "Diezl"


And how about a camping trip with Frankie (Wingnut) and her buddy, Leo:

And some more of Frankie & Leo - proving that whippets really ARE the best snuggle bunnies in the whole world...and the best posers for pictures, too!



We've had some 2019 Birthdays already, as well - the Matrix Litter pups turned 5 on January 13th...

Here's Apoc, looking very sophisticated, and another shot of him w/ Fabienne (from the Pulp Fiction Litter):

And here's Trinity, hanging out with her dad, Johnson:


A fun pic of Shebo (HT Scaramanga from the 2nd Bond Litter) and his buddies:


And some more birthday pups - the Mambo Italiano litter celebrated their 6th birthday on January 28th.

Here's Misu (Tiramisu)working on her Yoga positions:


And not to be outdone in the flexibility contest - Misu's sister Penny (Penne), also just as limber as ever:


Our own Birthday boy - Alfredo, hamming it up for the camera:


And Birthday girl Olive (Biscotti) - doing a great job as snuggle bunny & child guardian:


Birthday boy Luka is doing some interesting posing of his own - more whippet yoga?

"Whippet Stinkeye"


And even more birthdays - the Abracadabra Litter also turned 6 - on Feb. 3rd:

Here's Mojo, enjoying some doggy cake:


Birthday boy Hobbes - snug as a bug in a rug:


And Birthday girl Piper, with her buddy Amelia:

Some fun shots of the gang around the Horsetooth Household...

Polliwog - wrapped up like a Christmas present


Jen & Chewy




And Miss Spicy Duck - squashing the heck out of Feynman.  ;)