Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Pupdate BLOWOUT!

2018 was a hectic year for us at Horsetooth Whippets.   Due to work and health demands, we've been taking a break from competing in the ring, and on the track & field, as well as from breeding.

But of course, we still love hearing about our past pups and we've got an incredible backlog of pics from the year.  So I decided it would be fitting to get them published to the blog for New Year's Day.

I'm sure I'll miss some that I've received along the way, so my apologies in advance, but will try to get everything our wonderful puppy owners have sent via email since March 2018. 

Sorry to those I've missed from texts, facebook, etc. - I just concentrated on email for this blog, and discovered we've got more than 150 shots!

It's a great collection of growing & maturing past pups - all showing the many wonderful facets of the whippet breed - master snugglers, family dogs, runners, and all-around great hounds!


Lola - aka Whoopi (right) and her buddy, Ripley


Sammi (Winky) chillaxin'


Siblings Tom (Major Tom) & Luci (Diamond Dog) - as youngsters in the sun


Sammi (Winky)

Sammi and her kitty, Spike


Ezmerelda (Ezmerelda Villalobos) - somehow ending up in little sister Sophie's teeny bed...

Uh, Ez...I don't think you fit.


Great montage by professional photographer of Frankie (Wingnut) & brother Leo


Maci (Whisper) & brother

Maci - cave-bedding with style.

Maci snuggles

Maci & her girl

Maci & brother


A great montage of Taco (Werner Von Braun) & his family - what a great family dog!


Banzai (Andy Warhol) - with new friends at the vet's/kennel


Bedahlia (Aunt Bedelia) - looking pensive


Sammi (Winky) - the ultimate lapdog


And a montage of Levi (Whiz Kid) and sis, Mach-Z


Some shots of Zig Zag (Bohr) from our very first litter:

Looking just like his mom, Penelope


Jack (Vincent Vega) went through a hard 2018 - having his right front leg amputated due to cancer.  He's adjusted well and still knows how to chill out in true whippet style.


Ziggy (Ziggy Stardust) - practicing on the lure.


A year of adventure from Mikey (Mr. Whipple)


Isla (Kissy Suzuki) montage


Misu (Tiramisu) says, "Hi!"


The Olde Time Candy Litter Pups turned four in 2018 - here's Moonpie, showing off his snuggle style.

Enjoying a pupaccino


Fossey (Pixie Stix) slept right through her 4th Birthday.


And Trixie Belle (Squirrel Nut Zipper) did, too!


Two great shots of Indy (JuJubes) and Moonpie:


And not to be confused with Indy & Moonpie, here's Franklin (Clark Bar) and his buddy, Sully  ~ what a coincidence that Franklin (Indy's brother) ended up living with a whippet who looks just like Moonpie!


Breezy (Twizzler) was among the Olde Time Candy 4th Birthday kids.  
Here she is with her brother, Bentley:


Siblings Tom (Major Tom) & Luci (Diamond Dog) - growing up fast!


Olive (Biscotti) - the Diva.

Olive - looking like a Persian Princess


Phinley (Delbert Grady) and new arrival, Birdie (Little China Girl)



Stella (Sceri) & Twiggy (Twix) sitting politely.

And cave-bedding like professionals:!

Hello, Stella!

Sun worshiper Twiggy


Some more great shots of Frankie (Wingnut) and buddy, Leo.  Chock full of personality!


Wilson (Wilson J. Castaway) & his Frisbee


Levi (Whiz Kid) & buddy Mach-Z


The Halloween Litter Pups had their 3rd Birthday in 2018.  
Here's Indy (Herbert West) & Roxy (Stevie Wayne):



And some more Sammi (Winky) snuggle time.


Ginger (Ginger Shrimp) - hoarding ALL the toys.


Mouse - enjoying some sun.

Mouse & Jack (Vincent Vega)

Jack - rockin' it on 3 legs!

Jack & Mouse snuggles.


Tom (Major Tom) - getting ready to pounce!

Luci (Diamond Dog) and Tom (Major Tom) - all grown up!


Mixy (Blue Jean)!




Mackey (RJ MacReady)


Wilson (Wilson J. Castaway) says, "Hi!!!"


Frankie (Wingnut) and Leo - still oozing silly whippetness...


Sprocket - on a bed of....carrots?

And chilling with his chicken:


Some great shots of Mojo:

Such a handsome man.


Rohan (Jules Winnfield)


Cheyenne (Snow Pea)


Misu (Tiramisu) - showing off her schnazzy jacket!


The Young Americans (aka the David Bowie Litter) turned a year old in October 2018:

Luci (Diamond Dog)

Tom (Major Tom)


Happy 1st B-day, Ricochet!


And Happy 1st to Mixy (Blue Jean), too!


Some more fun shots of Levi (Whiz Kid) and buddy, Mach-Z:


Not to be outdone in the running & playing department, here's Wilson (Wilson J. Castaway) and his poodle girlfriend!

So tired after all that running!


And last but not least - a collection of pics for the year of Tom (Major Tom) & Luci (Diamond Dog)