Wingnut is still the smallest, at 2.035 lbs; and Wombat is the biggest, at 2.56 lbs. 1/2 a pound doesn't sound like a big difference, but in pups this small, it's noticeable - he's our big 'chambalone' and she's our little pixie.
All eyes are now open, and everyone is walking (well...I should say they are all staggering/walking a few steps at a time).
Lots of play is starting - which is quite comical, given how uncoordinated everyone still is.
The pups have begun their litter box potty training, and a few have even begun to try eating some solid food (their mom's kibble - soaked in warm water until it's just mush).
I caught a bit of the mayhem of play on camera this morning. As always, click on any picture to enlarge it.
GIANT pups at the milkbar. Collectively, they weigh more than 16 lbs. About another pound and a half per pup, and they'll outweigh their diminutive mom.
Whiplash - looking to climb out of the pool...
Ah - that was the problem - she wanted to try the litter box!
Wilson's looking for trouble - Chewing on Wombat's tail, while Wingnut chews on the lambskin bedding.
Wilson - on the move.
Wingnut spent a good amount of the playtime wrestling with her own leg...
Wingnut says: "This lambskin is fascinating."
Wilson and Whoopi getting in some wrestle time.
Wilson goes for the pin! And yes...Wingnut is still checking out the lambskin.
Wingnut - cuddling mom.
Wombat and Whoopi - thinking about causing some trouble.
Wombat & Whoopi, with Wilson in the background and a bit of Whimsy, Whiplash, and Warhol showing at the milkbar.
Andy Warhol - too full and tired to play.
Wingnut....thinking about peeing on Whoopi's head....
Ack! Whoopi says, "Wingnut just peed on my head! Ick!"
Andy Warhol ...thinking about getting up to play...not sure if it's worth the risk of getting peed on.
Puppy Pandemonium! Everyone's in motion....
Warhol, Whiplash, Wingnut and Whoopi doing some serious wrestling.
Wingnut getting the better of Whiplash while Warhol and Whoopi look on.
Mean while....Wombat has passed out - wedged between the bedding and mom's rear.
Whimsy, Whoopi, Wingnut, and Whiplash.
Warhol says, "Ah, Mom! Don't clean me in front of the camera!"
Whimsy's climbing up on Lychee to give her a wet willie.
Wilson, Whiplash and Wingnut - triple trouble.