Friday, March 31, 2017

W Litter - day 19; Let the Mayhem Begin!

Once again, the pups have made a giant leap forward in size.   For size comparison, everyone is now at or over 2 lbs in weight. That's pretty incredible, when you think about the fact that when they were born, they weighed from .51 to .66 lbs!

Wingnut is still the smallest, at 2.035 lbs; and Wombat is the biggest, at 2.56 lbs.  1/2 a pound doesn't sound like a big difference, but in pups this small, it's noticeable - he's our big 'chambalone' and she's our little pixie.

All eyes are now open, and everyone is walking (well...I should say they are all staggering/walking a few steps at a time).

Lots of play is starting - which is quite comical, given how uncoordinated everyone still is.

The pups have begun their litter box potty training, and a few have even begun to try eating some solid food (their mom's kibble - soaked in warm water until it's just mush).

I caught a bit of the mayhem of play on camera this morning.  As always, click on any picture to enlarge it.

GIANT pups at the milkbar.  Collectively, they weigh more than 16 lbs.  About another pound and a half per pup, and they'll outweigh their diminutive mom.

Whiplash - looking to climb out of the pool...
Ah - that was the problem - she wanted to try the litter box! 

Wilson's looking for trouble - Chewing on Wombat's tail, while Wingnut chews on the lambskin bedding.

Wilson - on the move.

Wingnut spent a good amount of the playtime wrestling with her own leg...

Wingnut says:  "This lambskin is fascinating."

Wilson and Whoopi getting in some wrestle time.

Wilson goes for the pin!  And yes...Wingnut is still checking out the lambskin.

Wingnut - cuddling mom.

Wombat and Whoopi - thinking about causing some trouble.

Wombat & Whoopi, with Wilson in the background and a bit of Whimsy, Whiplash, and Warhol showing at the milkbar.


Andy Warhol - too full and tired to play.

Wingnut....thinking about peeing on Whoopi's head....

Ack!  Whoopi says, "Wingnut just peed on my head!  Ick!"

Andy Warhol ...thinking about getting up to play...not sure if it's worth the risk of getting peed on.

Puppy Pandemonium!  Everyone's in motion....

Warhol, Whiplash, Wingnut and Whoopi doing some serious wrestling.

Wingnut getting the better of Whiplash while Warhol and Whoopi look on.

Mean while....Wombat has passed out - wedged between the bedding and mom's rear.

Whimsy, Whoopi, Wingnut, and Whiplash.

Warhol says, "Ah, Mom!  Don't clean me in front of the camera!"

Whimsy's climbing up on Lychee to give her a wet willie.

Wilson, Whiplash and Wingnut - triple trouble.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jeepers...creepers...where'd you get those peepers?

All of the pups' 'peepers' are opening up.

Wingnut, Whoopi, and Wombat are fully open, with the rest close behind.  Even little Wilson has cracked the inner corners of his eyes open for his first peeks of the world.

That means no pics for a few days, while we protect those delicate eyes from the flash (with the cloudy days, our camera insists on the flash).

But rest assured, we'll have lots of pics with eyes wide open coming soon!

Other developments - the pups have all had their second toenail trimming, all are trying to walk - and managing a few wobbly steps at time - and today we've seen the very beginnings of play behavior from Wombat, Warhol, Wilson, and Wingnut.

Their version of 'play' is to give little grunts and growls and try to grab onto each other with wide open mouths.  It's comical to see.

Stay tuned for pics this week....

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Horsetooth Crew & the W pups - days 13 & 14

It's a lazy, cloudy, rainy day here at Horsetooth Villa.  The rainy weather has everyone in the mood for lots of napping.

We caught some fun pics of the pups, and also some of the adults - hanging out and enjoying the day inside:

Andy Warhol - kicking things off with the famous upside-down whippet sleep pose.

Whiplash - joining in on the upside-down sleeping.

Wingnut - as usual - cuddling her mom.

Milkbar time - left to right:
Whimsy, Wombat, Whoopi, Andy Warhol

More upside-down sleeps for Whiplash.  Love the open mouth...

Sleepy snuggles for Whimsy and Wingnut.

And even more of Whiplash sleeping upside-down!  She looks like a baby panda bear!

Mama Lychee, napping with the pups.

Wingnut - getting in on the upside-down action.

Papa Johnson - napping on the upper berth of our 'kuranda' dog bunk bed.  The whippets love this thing!

Expectant mom, Trinity - she declined to show off her 'baby bump' to the camera, but did agree to give us an excellent whippet 'round head' pose.

Sleepy Chewy

We got a couple of really nice head shots of Theo...just before she fell right back to sleep.

Spicy Duck, hanging out on the bottom berth of the doggy bunk bed.

Polliwog & Lizzie dozing in the soft cloudy light.

Theo's showing off her pearly whites while Dots dozes next to her.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Days 9 through 12 for the "W" pups

The pups are growing like weeds and doing great.  Just to give you an idea of how fast they're growing, they'd all doubled their weight by day 8!

Here are some pics from the last few days.  If you listen closely, you can almost hear them getting bigger by the moment....

Mom and pups - from left to right
Whimsy, Wombat, Whiplash, Wilson, Andy Warhol, Wingnut, and Whoopi - climbing Mt. Lychee!


Andy Warhol and a bit of Whoopi


Andy Warhol

The 3 Reds - Whimsy (bottom), Wombat (top), and Whoopi (back)





Whiplash & Lychee snuggles

Look at those little pink bubblegum toes!

Getting so big!  Whimsy, Whiplash, Whoopi & Wombat in the foreground; Wingnut, Andy Warhol, and Wilson at the milkbar.

The whole gang - Left to right:
Warhol, Whiplash, Wingnut, Whimsy, Whoopi & Wilson, Wombat

Lots of sleeping and snuggling still going on.  Eyes should start popping open any day now....