Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from Horsetooth Whippets!

We hope everyone is staying warm and happy and safe this Holiday Season.  2015 was a big year at Horsetooth Whippets, and we're looking forward to 2016!

As usual, we've got a bunch of pics to add:

First up, great news for both E. Buzz and Becky - their Christmas presents included finding their forever homes.  We couldn't be happier for them and their new families.

Here's a nice shot of Becky (now 'Aspen') and her new big brother, Dash:

E. Buzz heads off to CA next week to live with his Uncle Wilco (Alfredo's brother) and his Aunt Waffle (Spicy's sister).  We're super excited he'll be joining their pack.  In the meantime, he's been practicing his 'adult dog snuggling skills' with Timmy:

Next up, our own little Theo has also been getting the privilege of some adult snuggles.  Here she is with Polliwog:

Next up, some Christmas Spirit pics of Tau (HT Tau Neutrino) and Miso (HT Xenia Onatopp):

And some action shots of the same dynamic duo!
 Miso looks to be taking after her mom, Lychee in the running department - do we have a racing dog on our hands?

Not to be outdone - Tau clearly has mastered the 'cut off' maneuver! 

Next up, we've got Upson (HT Upson Pratt), lounging with his buddy, Nikki...
 Nothing looks more comfortable than a whippet pup sleeping.  They play hard, and they sleep even harder!

How about Bedelia (HT Aunt Bedelia) and her dinosaur collection.  Apparently, at the time of this photo, she had laid claim to the giant purple dinosaur, but hadn't yet discovered the green one. 

Next up, some fireside Christmas lounging with Lavender (HT Lavender Peacock) and her little buddy, MacReady (HT Lavender's MacReady)...not so little anymore... along with their older sis, Isabella:

"Snug as bugs in a rug."

And how about some shots of Wichita (HT Wichita) in her new home.  Looks like she's fitting right in with the dogs and the kitty: 

Next up, we've got little Eva (HT Little Rock), doing a great job of charming the camera:

And how about Annie (HT Annie Hayworth) and her big buddy, Arrow - sharing a toy like nice siblings!

Next up, a Christmas snuggle pic I swiped from facebook -  brothers Rudy (HT Egg Drop) and Leo (HT Gellman):

And more Christmas snuggles swiped from facebook - this time Max (HT Max Zorin) snuggles with buddy...can't tell if it's Finn or Fergus!

And how about "Kima Clause" and her trusty reindeer, Omar! (HT Skittles and HT Oh Henry):

And finally, in keeping with the current Star Wars mania, we give you "Ash Vader" (HT Ashley J. Williams):

As always, a huge thanks to all of our puppy owners for keeping us updated with your pups' happenings.  

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pupdate 12/13/15

Some shots of the Horsetooth pooches and some past pupdates:

 E. Buzz  - slowly oozing off the raised puppy bed....

 E. Buzz!

 Wichita - last few days with us before she headed off to her new home.

 Becky (front) and Theo

 E. Buzz & his mom, Spicy - 'sharing' an antler.

 Becky & Trinity

 Classic Trinity face.

 Sweet Becky....she appears to have a question, raising that ear politely.

 Becky and her toys.

Becky & E. Buzz


How about some great shots of "Max" (HT Max Zorin) - shaping up to be such a handsome young man.

And here's Misu (HT Tiramisu Frangelico) & her kitty, Oolie - cuddling up for the winter.

Ez (HT Esmerelda Villalobos) has found a snuggle buddy, too - her great big teddy bear!

Last but not least, Breezy (HT Twizzler) and Wichita.  Wichita got to have a visit at her Aunt Breezy's house the night before she headed to her new home:

Monday, December 7, 2015

12/07/2015 PUPDATE

We've got a bunch of great update photos and news on whippet pups - past and present - to share. 

We'll kick it off with a collection of Christmas themed shots:

 Eva (HT Little Rock) and her buddy, Atta - all dressed up and ready to go...oh wait, Eva's eating the clothes right off Atta...

 Eva says, "As soon as Mom's not looking....I WILL eat your coat..."

 Pip (HT Auric Goldfinger) and his best friend, Twiggy...waiting for Santa.

 We love Pip's antler - just like Max from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!"

Next up, another favorite whippet theme - lounging by the various states of dress and undress:

Heath (HT Heath Bar) and True (HT Gummi Bear) - relaxing in their togs from Winston's Winter Wear, and enjoying the fire.
 Heath - stretching out!  He look pretty pleased with having the whole bed to himself.

 Rohan (HT Jules Winnfield) - slouching down and snuggling up as close to the fire as he can get...also sporting a Winston's Winter Wear whippet jacket.  :)  We're glad to see so many of our whippet pups enjoying them.

Next up, a few pupdates from some of our Bond 007 puppies:

First up is Isla (HT Kissy Suzuki) - growing up and looking great!

And how about Isla's brother, Shebo (HT Francisco 'Pistols' Scaramanga) - graduating with honors from his puppy training classes:
Shebo got 1st place in Relay/recall game, 2nd in distracted wait, 3rd overall and a 4th in a stay while his mom went and sat in a chair.   Good job, Shebo & Pam!!!!

Another star from our Bond 007 litters, Hugo (HT Hugo Drax) is also growing up so fast and looking great.  Here he is playing with his buddy and his dad, and posing for the camera:

 Nice sit!

Next up - some older pups from past litters:  

A few more shots of Rohan (HT Jules Winnfield) on his birthday this past October:

How about this really great personality-capture of Wilco (HT Rigatoni Sorrentino) and Waffle (HT Hot Toddy):
This pic captures each of these two kiddos' personalities to a 'T'!  Wilco is a big ol' goofball; and Waffle is a wonderful little Princess.  :)

And now for some great shots from the recent Halloween Litter pups:

 Annie (HT Annie Hayworth) - on the right, with her big buddy, Arrow.

Annie playing with her kitty.

Ash (HT Ashley J. Williams) apparently also has a kitty buddy - one whose bed he has taken over!
 "Yeah.  That's right.  I'm in your bed, Kitty....  
"Whatcha gonna do 'about it?"

 Ash perfecting the sofa sleeping pose, as well....

Up next, we've got Finley (HT Delbert Grady)...we bet he's learning LOTS from this big buddy of his:

And next up, we've got another dynamic duo learning lots from their mentor:
Roxy (HT Stevie Wayne), Zoe in the middle, and Indy (HT Herbert West) - practicing the 'sit', 'stand', and 'down' stay positions.

 Next, we've got Upson (HT Upson Pratt), clearly perfecting the very difficult talks of chair snuggling, bed hogging, and fashion modeling:

And finally, Bedelia (HT Aunt Bedelia) - on her first day in her new home - being greeted by one of her new 'big' sisters:
The Italian Greyound looks pretty amazed at how quickly Bedelia has taken over the couch.  :)