Monday, November 16, 2015

Big Past & Current Pupdate Post with Pics 11/16/15

Some new pics of the Fab Five who are still here at Horsetooth (Bedelia, Wichita, Becky, and E.Buzz are still available):

 Becky (front) and Theo - chillin' on the couch.

Wichita says, "My head is not as big as it looks in this shot!"
The 3 Muses - Bedelia, Becky, and Theo

 Bedelia & Becky

Wichita and E.Buzz  - whose nose color fills in more and more each day :) 

 These 3 sisters were quite the camera hounds today.

 Triple Trouble.

 Theo - looking like a little pitbull.

 Wichita and Becky snuggles.

 Theo & Becky

Sleepy Bedelia.

And how about some great update pics of pups in there new homes:

Annie Hayworth - up on the grooming table - practicing being a show dog already, we see.  We love her red sweatshirt!

Lavender and MacReady

How about three great shots of snuggly Upson Pratt:

And a great montage of Upson:

And how about Indi (HT Chiclets) - and his claim to fame.  His picture with Santa last year was so great, it's being used as an advertisement for Santa photo opps this year by his local Humane Society and a Milwaukee Boarding Facility:

Next up, two great shots of a couple more of the Olde Time Candy Litters pups:  Indi (HT JuJubes) and Moon Pie:

Next up, we've got 3 pics of Shebo (HT Scaramanga) - playing with his Aussie buddies; and doing some serious work in puppy class.    Good boy!

Next we've got Oliver (HT Duke Henry the Red) - doing some serious snoozing.  He's tired out by all the growing he's doing!

Next, we've got 4 great ones of Ash with his new kitty and his buddy, Sammy:

 Can I relax with this cat behind me?

 Sammy still a little jealous of all the camera time Ash is getting...had to photo bomb. 

 "I think I like it here."

Next up, we've got Finley (HT Delbert Grady) - looking pretty content in his new home.  Sounds like he's charmed his new dog buddies AND his humans.  Well done, Finley!

Next we've got a bunch of great shots of Indy (HT Herbert West) and Roxy (HT Stevie Wayne) and their buddy, Zoe.  They also look like they're fitting right in!

Looks like Roxy's giving Indy a piece of her mind!

Next up, some great shots of Kahleesi (HT Agent Clarice Starling), hanging out with her family and new best snuggle buddy, Loki:

 She's got her own pumpkin!

Last but not least, Zola' (HT Into the Mystic) and Rufeus (HT Pesto Noche) have some new kittens at home.  It sounds like Zola' wants to mother them, but Rufeus wants to be 'sheriff' and keep them in line all the time.

 Rufeus - taking a break from kitten patrol.

Zola' - at attention!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

More Pupdates!

The Halloween Litter pups are settling in nicely to their new homes, and we've gotten some more cute update pics:

First up, we've got Lavender (HT Lavender Peacock) - being a great 'big sister' to MacReady - looks like they're fitting in together just great.

Next up, we've got Gatsby (HT Carol Anne) - snuggling in and hanging out.  She looks like she's effectively taken over all the sleeping spots, as any good whippet should.

And how about this great shot of Ash on his first afternoon in his new home.  Looks like his boy is sure happy.

Keep those pictures and updates coming, folks!  We love to see how the new pups are doing in their homes.  :)

We've still got a few pups here at Horsetooth with us.  Available pups are Becky, Bedelia, Wichita, and E. Buzz.  We've added them to the website:
And we'll keep new, updated pics coming of them, as well.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Pupdate 11/06/2015

We've gotten a whole bunch of pics of our past puppies, so time for another update post:

First up, Huge Congratulations to Misu (HT Tiramisu Frangelico) and her mom, Linda on their first Rally competition.  Not only did Misu finish her title, she was also in the ribbons each day, AND tied for top 5 highest score.  Good job, Linda & Misu!

In fact, Misu's recent wins reminded us that we'd like to add a new page to the Horsetooth Whippets Website - a brags page for all of the pups bred by us.  So, we've added all of the titles, awards, and points we know of - do let us know if we've missed anyone.  Here's the link to the new brags page: 
We've also added a 'key' at the bottom of the page to decipher all those letters before and after a dog's name.

Next up, we've got Ez (HT Esmerelda Villalobos) crashing early after a long day of remodeling.  It's a shame she has such a tiny, cramped place to lay her weary head.  :)

 Next up, we've got Larry (HT Larry's Wonton Takeout) celebrating his fourth birthday with a special treat.  His little buddy, Bella the IG is sure interested in sampling the cake!

Next up, we've got some great shots of Zola' (HT Into the Mystic) and Rufeus (HT Pesto Di Noce):

Fearless Guard Whippets

Rufeus - doing the 'Buddha' sitting pose.

Rufeus & Zola'...nice sit-stays!

Zola' sampling some raspberries.

Wonderful Zola' Silhouette

Next up, we've got Pip (HT Auric Goldfinger), snuggling his best friend, Twiggy!
Pip, left; Twiggy, right.

Next up, we've got Upson (HT Upson Pratt) - crashed out under the coffee table on his first night in his new home.  He won't fit under there for long!

Next up, we've got Oliver (HT Duke Henry the Red) - also on the first day in his new home, making buddies with his new sister.  She looks thrilled.  :)

Last but definitely not least - a play date for 2 of our puppy families!  Elway (HT Ernst Stavro Blofeld) had a visit with Fabienne (HT Fabienne's Blueberry Pancakes) and Apoc (HT The Matrix's Apoc).  Looks like a fun whippet-wrestle-fest:

From left:  Apoc, Elway, Fabienne