Happy Howlidays from the Horsetooth Whippets Hounds.
We've had another bunch of great past-pup pics come through lately. Enjoy!
First up we've got Heath (HT Heath Bar) and True (HT Gummi Bear) doing some serious snuggling for Christmas/
Happy 7-month Birthday, Boys.
Christmas is exhausting!
Next up we've got a great pic of Dunkel (HT Marsellus Wallace) back in October, celebrating his 1st Birthday with a great Halloween sweater.
Next up, more 7-month old OTC pups, Omar (HT Oh Henry) and Kima (HT Skittles):
Kima doing her morning yoga.
King Omar...not interested in getting up for morning yoga.
Kima hanging out with an 'Omar Imposter'.
Omar - ousting the interloper!
And how about Fabienne (HT Fabienne's Blueberry Pancakes) and Apoc (HT The Matrix's Apoc) doing some sun worshiping and general louinging:
Apoc enjoying some sunny weather.
Fabs - doing a great job of couch-perching.
Snuggle bugs.