Monday, October 27, 2014

Pictures Galore! 10/27/14

We've gotten a ton of great October whippet birthday pictures, and non-birthday pictures to add to the collection:

First off - Birthday Pups:

Moogie (HT Moo Goo Gai Pan) from the Chinese Delights I litter - looking very dapper for his 3rd birthday!

How about Moogie's full sister, Ginger (HT Ginger Shrimp) on a hike.  Not sure which is more red - Ginger or the rocks:

Next up, we've got Salinger (HT Dark Star of Kung Pao) from the Chinese Delights II litter:

Next up is Salinger's full brother -  Jett Jr. (HT MuXu Jett) - these boys sure take after their daddy, right down to the one-foot-forward pose!

On to the non-birthday kids...As always, we can't say enough how grateful we are for so many updates of our puppies.

Correction:  Neo turns one in January! Neo (HT The Matrix's Neo), hanging out with his buddy Jasper -

 The classic "Roach" pose.

And looking just like his papa Johnson!

Next up, we have another Jett son:  It's Sprocket (HT Rye Manhattan) - showing off his pearly whites!

Next up, we've got Misu (HT Tiramisu Frangelico) and her kitties...
 Misu having to share her kennel with Oolie!

Misu recently had an interesting new adventure.  Her mother shared the following tutorial for her:

 "These are your kitties."
 "They are your friends."

"THIS is NOT your kitty."
Congratulations on your first bath.

Here's Misu's brother, Wilco (HT Rigatoni Sorrentino) snuggling with his moma - not with any kitties or skunks!

Next up, we've got Omar (HT Oh Henry) & Kima (HT Skittles) at a Halloween parade, and all dressed up for an upcoming wedding:

And how about Trixie (HT Squirrel Nut Zipper) - getting so big and long - snuggling her mom!

And here are a couple of older pics of Breezy (HT Twizzler):
 Hanging out with her aunt.
Lounging on the patio furniture.

Chewing a toy with her buddy, Bentley.

Last but not least, we've got a couple of portraits-in-progress of a few of the Horsetooth Whippets by our friend and whippet-owner, Debra Canale:

If you're interested in a portrait of your whippet by Debra, let us know and we can get you in touch!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/26 Horsetooth Whippet Meetup!

Hi, Folks

Just a heads up that there's going to be another puppy get-together on 10/26 at 11:00am, weather permitting. The dog park is located at 4700 Miller St. in Wheat Ridge.

Thanks to Teri (Sceri & Twiggy's mom) for getting the details together!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Happy Birthday to the Chinese Delights Puppies!!!

A very Happy Birthday (Oct. 12) to the Chinese Delights puppies.

Moogie (Moo Goo Gai Pan)
Sceri (Sceri Monkey Sesame Puff)
Cato (Shanghai Tofu)
Rudy (Egg Drop)
Lychee Berry 
Cheyenne (Snow Pea of Cheyenne)
Devo (Devine Chop Suey)
Ginger (Ginger Shrimp)
Bok Choy 

And an early Happy Birthday (Oct. 19) to the Chinese Delights part 2!  (Jen & Ken are headed out of town for a veterinary conference and a bit of much-needed vacation time, so I don't want to forget my C,D, 2 pups!)

Salinger (HT Darkstar of Kung Pao)
Larry (HT Larry's Wonton Takeout)
Jett Jr. (HT Mu Xu Jett)
Trevor (Amulet General Tso at Horsetooth)
Spicy (HT Spicy Duck)

We can't believe they're already 3!

More pics and updates to be posted soon.....


Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Pulp Fiction Birthday & Pupdate - 10-06-2014

Happy 1st Birthday to our wonderful "Pulp Fiction" litter pups.  I can't believe it's been a year!

Vincent Vega (Jack)
Winston Wolf (gone, but never forgotten)
Jules (Rohan)
& Marcellus Wallace (Dunk)

Here's a couple of pics of Rohan (HT Jules Winnfield) enjoying his new birthday coat, and another with him contented by the fire:

Speaking of coats - Here's True (HT Gummi Bear) and Heath (HT Heath Bar) snuggling in their matching sweaters!

And how about this great shot of Twiggy (HT Horsetooth Twix) and her aunt Sceri (HT Sceri Monkey Sesame Puff) having an autumn play session:

We can't leave out Moon Pie (HT Moon Pie) and Indy (HT JuJubes).  Their family reports that they loving going to the football games:

Next up, "The Great Whippet Reunion" - several local whippet folks got together at a local dog park for a whippet play date.  Good times for Ginger, Sprocket, Leo, Addie, Omar, Kima, Sceri, & Twigs!  Looks like a good time was had by all!  I'm sure there will be more of these play dates, so if you're interested in coming out, let us know and we'll hook you up with each other's contact info.  Thanks, Paul, for all the pics.   Let's see if I can pass the identification & labeling quiz on all these whippets...
In the lead, we've got Sprocket (HT Rye Manhattan) panting, followed by Addie & Leo (HT Lestate Presto!), with Sceri bringing up the rear.

 Next up, we've got Ginger (HT Ginger Shrimp) in the foreground, with Twiggy & Kima (HT Skittles) wrestling in the middle, and Sprocket supervising...and panting.

 More Kima (on top) and Twiggy wrestles.

 Addie & Leo in the background, Omar (HT Oh Henry) & Twiggy at left, Sprocket in the middle (panting!), Kima resting, and Sceri, grinning like a fool.

 The 3 younglings - Omar, Kima, and Twiggy.

Addie in the fore, Kima sniffing something great on the ground, Ginger (sniffing Twiggy's rear), Leo, Sprocket, and Sceri sniffing the rest of Twiggy.  Apparently, Twiggy smells amazing.

 Here we've got Ginger (left), Omar & Twigglet in the middle, with Sprocket checking out their puppy shenanigans.

 1/2 brothers, Sprocket & Omar, with Ginger in the back ground and Addie looking on.

 Twiggy (front) & Omar, with Leo & Sprocket in the background.

From left:   Kima, Vivienne, Addie, Omar, Amanda, Leo, Sceri, Twigs, Lynn, Sprocket, Ginger!

 Omar & Twigs - one last chase!

 Sceri Monkey...panting!  And still grinning like a fool.

Omar & Sceri