Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pupdate #1 03/10/13

Some more shots from the last few days:

Alfredo - he's really a snuggler...loves people and just wiggles all over when he sees us.

Rigatoni - really likes to be a couch dare-devil.


Penne - poised and thinking of making a leap.  Luckily, she climbed back down and rolled around on the couch instead.  

Tiramisu giving aunt Spicy some puppy kisses.

Pesto...truckin' along.  This is one big, sweet boy!

Penne - reminds us a lot of her momma, Bella.  She likes to just watch the world and take it all in.


Ziti - another sweetheart...going to look and act just like momma Bella.

Penne & Ziti napping together.

Miss Lupini...playing tug-o-war with the camera strap....while Ken was snapping the pic.  
Think she's tired of the paparazzi?


Risotto curled up for a nap. 

Alfredo and Tiramisu - sleeping with Aunt Spicy.

Whippet snuggles.


  1. These lovies are getting to be so adorable.

  2. Maybe Miss Lupinibeanie would rather be behind the camera herself, or maybe she's your budding feminist and film theory critic, contesting the 'male gaze'! 'I will not be objectified, mister!'

    By the way, I love Spicy's hounds tooth print sweater. Visual puns are the best. :)
