Tuesday, April 25, 2017

W & W2, & Past Pupdate!

As always, it's so fun to see our pups all grown up.  Here are a couple of pics of Zoe (HT Zoe Nightshade), who will be two next month - she's one of Lychee's first pups, and looks like she's ready to chase the bunny like her fast little mama!

"I see a bunny!!!"

Also looks like she knows how to be a world-class snuggler, too.

And how about some W & W2 pics:
Woody and Trinity snuggles.

Wernher & Mr. Whipple.

Auntie Lizzie & Whimsy snuggles - with Whiplash in the background.

Winky - sooo sleepy.

All 7 of the W2's at the milkbar.  
From left to right:  Whisper, The Whiz (underneath), Mr. Whipple, Winky, Windy, Wernher, Woody

More Lizzie & Whimsy snugs.


Whisper, Winky, and a bit of Windy.

The Whiz

Lizzie snuggling Whiplash & Wilson.

Wingnut, Whiplash, Wilson & Lizzie nap time; except Whiplash isn't tired.  :)

Cuddle Puddle Puppy Pile!
All pooped out after running around outside.  

Mama Trin and her bunch.  
From the background forward:  A bit of Wernher, The Whiz, Whipple, Windy, Winky, Whisper & Woody

So sleepy Whiplash.

Whimsy and Wingnut taking it easy.

Our 27 year old cactus, that normally only gives you one or two blossoms at once (and they only bloom for one day), seems to have gotten into the "Lucky Seven" mood like our whippet moms - we woke up this morning to 7 giant blossoms!

And last but not least - color segregation again - we found all the black & whites nursing, and all of the brindles sleeping behind mama Trinity.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pupdate! Whippet Nationals Results, & W & W2 puppies

We'll kick off with some huge congratulations to Max (HT Max Zorin) for his great lure coursing work at the Whippet National Specialty in Denver this weekend.  On Sunday, Max tied for the high score (out of 73 dogs!) in his first run.  Overall, Max took 2nd place in his flight (flight D), earning 3 points toward his Field Championship.  Additionally, he and his housemate (Fergus - Runrig's Remarkable Elan) also tied for second in the Kennel Stake.

Congratulations, Beth & Max & Fergus!

For anyone interested in attending the conformation part of the National Specialty show, classes begin at 9am on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, with best of breed competition wrapping up on Saturday (beginning at 9am), April 22nd at the Crown Plaza Airport Convention Center - 15500 E. 40th Ave., Denver, CO 80239.

Chewy and Jen will be showing on Wednesday in the Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog class; and Bella and Jen will be showing on Friday in the Veteran Bitch (7 to 10 years) class.

And on to puppy pics...The W's got their first outside adventure yesterday afternoon (Wingnut and Whimsy slept through it), and we caught a few fun pics:

Whiplash & Bella, with a bit of Whoopi in the back ground.  Whiplash was really in her element outside - she wan't frightened at all, and really enjoyed exploring.

Wilson found a pine needle to chew.

Andy Warhol and Theo.

Uncle Bok Choy checks out Whiplash.

Theo is very protective of, and interested in these pups.  This is the first group of pups she's been around and she's taken to 'mothering' them naturally.

Wombat's tail, Whoopi, Andy, and Theo.

Andy - figured out how to climb up on the cool-a-roo dog cots right away.

Whoopi & Wombat

Theo & Andy

Wombat found a pine cone and enjoyed playing 'keep away' with it.

"MY pine cone!"

Andy's pretty jazzed that there is food outside as well as inside...what more could a puppy ask for?

Wilson & Whoopi

Andy checks out the water bowl.

Whiplash found the food and chowed down.  This is a great sign - puppies or dogs who are stressed won't eat...this crew was so relaxed on their first outside adventure they all did quite a bit of noshing!

Chewy, Andy, and Bella (daddy Johnson in the background).

And back inside - snuggle time for Trinity and baby Winky.

Whisper, The Whiz, Mr. Whipple and Wernher at the milkbar.

Woody, The Whiz, Whipple, Windy and Wernher

Sunday, April 16, 2017

"W" & "W2" Litters, and Birthday Pupdate

April 13th brought the 7th Birthday celebration for our very first litter, The Quantum pups - co-bred with Tina McGregor of Runrig Whippets.

Happy Birthday to:
Charm Quark
Leo (Gellman)
ZigZag (Bohr)
Stone (Pauli)
Tau Neutrino
Divot (Higgs)
We got a great shot of Stone (HT Runrig Pauli) hunting squirrels:

And a couple of ZigZag (HT Runrig Bohr) snuggin' his dad and his little buddy:



And Tau (HT Runrig Tau Neutrino)...who had QUITE the party - trying out his first taste of doggy ice cream - bacon & peanut butter flavored.  :)

We've also got 50 new pics of the pups - both litters!  So off we go:

Winky, Woody, and Wernher at the milkbar.  Trinity's not producing quite enough milk yet, so we're also letting Lychee nurse some of the new pups in rotations.


The Whiz

Winky and mama Trinity

Auntie Lizzie and Whimsy...snuggle? or headlock?

The W2's, left to right:
Whisper, Woody, Winky, Wernher (top), Mr. Whipple (middle), The Whiz, and Windy

The Whiz

Great shot of Woody's unique markings, along with a bit of Wernher and Windy

Trinity and The Whiz

Just waking up.... Whiplash, Wilson, Wombat, Whoopi & Wingnut

Lizzie and Whimsy

Wilson, Whoopi, Wombat, Wingnut, Whiplash, Lizzie & Whimsy

Woody and Wernher

The Whiz

The Whiz!

Mama Trinity, looking alert and happy.


Whisper and The Whiz

Wernher - super shiny

Whoopi and Whimsey - working Lizzie over!
Lizzie - infinitely patient.


Two great shots showing off the different shades of fawn and red between Whimsy, Whoopi, and Wombat.
Wombat (top), Whoopi (middle), Whimsy (bottom)


Winson & Wingnut snuggles

Two shots featuring Winky (left) and Whisper (right)

Naptime for Trinity and her crew.

Head studies - Whisper, The Whiz, Woody, Wernher

Mr. Whipple and The Whiz

Windy and Woody

Sleeeeeepy puppies

Windy and her two brindle patches...love that little spankin' spot!

Clockwise from top:
Woody, Whisper, Windy, Wernher, Winky, Mr. Whipple, The Whiz




Flirting with the camera after getting belly rubs from Ken. 

"Scratch my belly!"

Whiplash - taking a taste of Whimsy's tail..."just a taste."

Whimsy and Whiplash

Andy Warhol

Whiplash, Andy Warhol, and Whimsy

Whiplash and Warhol

Whiplash - attempting the stairs...

Wilson & Whiplash
Wilson says "Owww!"

Whiplash and her fleecy braid.

Wilson and Aunt Lizzie