Monday, April 28, 2014

Puppies/Momma dog news & Past Pupdates 04/30/14

Puppy News

WOW!  We're back from a quick and much-needed vacation (and a veterinary seminar for Ken) and  there were definitely some new "belly developments" to greet us. 

Bella (usually a very petite size 15.5" waist) is sporting quite a spread at 18" around. 

Penelope -  normally about an 17.25" waist -  has gone up to 20.5"!  

And Miss Spicy Duck, (still just a bit early too tell) has gone from 19" to 20.25"...but then again, Spicy really loves to eat.  :)

I have a hard time not counting chickens...errhhh...whippets.... before they hatch.  Ken has much more patience than I do. 

I'm already wondering what personalities, colors, and genders we'll have! 

Past Pupdates

Great to get a wonderful updated pic of past-puppy Zig-Zag from our very first litter, the Quantum Litter, and a few of Mr. Luigi from The Matrix litter.  Enjoy!

 Zig Zag (HT-Runrig Bohr) - all grown up at 4 years old, 
and still looking just like his momma, Penelope!

 Luigi (HT Morpheus of Zion) having a blast at White Sands Nat'l Monument with his peeps.  He's almost the color of the sand.  :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Quantum Pups - 04/13/14

Can't believe it's been 4 years since the arrival of the Quantum Litter!  Happy Birthday to J-Psi, Charm Quark, Gellman (Leo), Bohr (Zig-Zag), Fermi, Pauli (Stone), Feynman, Tau Neutrino, and Higgs (Divot)!!!!!

This was our first litter of puppies, born to our wonderful girl, Penelope.   They all hold a special place in our hearts.


 Charm Quark

 Leo (Gellman)

 Zig-Zag (Bohr)


Stone (Pauli)



Divot (Higgs)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Horsetooth Whippets Update - 04/08/14

Show News:

Jen and two of the boys, Bok Choy and Feynman, will be at the Adams County Fairgrounds in Brighton this weekend (12th & 13th) for the Terry-All Kennel Club show.

Whippets show at 12:35pm on Saturday in ring 3, and at 9:35am on Sunday in ring 6, in case anyone wants to come out and watch and lend support! 

Running News:

We're also going to try to make it down to the Zoiboyz ranch in Falcon on Monday the 14th for some timed trials.  Lychee is hoping to regain her 'fastest whippet' track title that she lost at the very end of last year.

For those who've recently taken Front Range K9's lure coursing class, this would be a fun event to come watch and get a feel for the venue and the timed trials.  Pups over 1 year are eligible to enter, so check out the website link above if interested in attending!

Puppy News:

We've got big puppy plans coming up for this spring & summer.  Bella and Jett have been bred and are hopefully expecting in mid-May.  We've been looking forward to this litter for a long time and expect to have pups that will excel in the show ring as well as loving the lure!  Bella and Jett can produce red pups, brindle pups, and black pups - probably all with lots of color and some white trim.  They should be beauties.

We have also bred Timmy and Penelope one more time.  Their last litter (the Chinese Delights I) produced so many amazing pups, we decided to repeat this breeding as Penelope's final litter.  Hoping for pups right around the same time as Bella's litter.  Timmy and Penelope can produce brindle & white pups and black and white pups.  Their last litter produced some really awesome colors and some amazing extreme whites.

Last but certainly not least, we are also breeding Bok Choy and Spicy Duck.  These two young dogs are both turning out so nice, we didn't want to pass on the opportunity for a really nice brindle and red litter from them.  Hoping for pups some time in very late May or early June.  These pups should have good size and also be well suited for the show ring and for running.

As always, it's all up to Mother Nature and the whippet girls, but we're hoping for success with all 3 of these breedings.

Past Pupdates:

We've gotten some more great pics and pupdates from our puppy owners.  I want to send a huge thanks to all who keep us so blessed with news and pics of your kiddos.  We love seeing them grow and reading about their antics and accomplishments!

First up, we have Wilco (HT Rigatoni Sorrentino)...showing off his pearly whites in a wonderful whippie grin:

Next up - Luigi (HT Morpheus of Zion), sporting some FABULOUS whippet puppy ears on his first hike:

And how about some Fabs (HT Fabienne's Blueberry Pancakes) and Apoc (HT The Matrix's Apoc):

 A boy and his dog.

 Fabs doing a perfect "Go to Place" matwork exercise during dinner.  Good Girl!

Daddy time.  Fabs is tasting Apoc's foot...looks like he needs more salt.  :)

And we've gotten behind in posting new pics of our own kids:

 A couple of momma Polliwog and daughter Trinity...perched on the arm of the couch - like mother,  like daughter!
 Polli says, "Are you sure she should be up here?  This IS my spot, after all."

 Whippet Segregation at work:  Only Brindles and Reds allowed on this couch, apparently.
(front row from left:  Lychee, Johnson, Spicy Duck;  back row, Timmy & Alfredo)

 Trinity sleeping the sleep of a 9 week old pup.  ZZZZZZZZ

 Marbles posing for the camera.

 Princess Bella.

 Uncle Buck.

 One of Trinity's favorite toys is this teddy bear that's almost as big as her.  

It often doubles as a pillow.