Tuesday, April 28, 2015

04/28/15 Past puppy Pupdate

Some cute pics of past pups coming in lately and seen around the web:

First up, we've got Luigi (HT Morpheus of Zion), snuggling with his best buddy, Mario...Luigi's on the right side of the pic. :

Luigi's family reports that he's a world-class snuggler!

Next up, we've got Heath (HT Heath Bar) and True (HT Gummi Bear), hiking at Deadhorse Point:
These two boys crossed 8 streams on this hike...apparently Heath was more interested in jumping over them than going through them.  :)

And how about this great head shot of Hobbes (HT Voodoo Child):
What a great whippet expression ~ He looks just like his daddy, Fermi!

And who would have figured that 2 whippets moving from Colorado to California would need new coats?  But sure enough, Waffle (HT Hot Toddy) & Wilco (HT Rigatoni Sorrentino) have found their new digs to be a bit chilly.  Here they are sporting new coats from Winston's Winter Wear:

Waffle & Wilco's mom reports that they were excited to get coats in the mail that not only smelled like Colorado...but smelled like their whippet family members.  We're sure those coats got a royal sniffing over!

Here's Rudy (HT Egg Drop), snuggling his favorite hedgehog toy.
His mom says, "Every night, no matter what everyone else is doing, Rudy puts himself to bed about the same time."

Last but never least, we've got Leopold (HT Lestate Presto ) doing the classic whippet stare:
Leo says,  "Mom.  Hey, mom.  Mooooooom.  Mom.   Ma.  Mom."

Sunday, April 19, 2015

New Puppies Expected Soon...plus, more Past Pupdate Pics!


We're excited to announce that it's official!

Both Lychee Berry and Polliwog are expecting pups in May, and we couldn't be more excited about these breedings.  We thought it would be fun to see some pics of them as pups themselves....

Lychee and Chewy (first-time litter for both) should produce pups that are a mix of gorgeous show quality looks and competitive in lure coursing and racing.  Both parents are exceptionally affectionate and smart.  We're expecting rich dark red and red brindle pups, with lots of white trim, and could even get a few extreme white with red or red brindle patches.

Polli and Johnson's litter is a repeat of our wonderful Matrix Litter breeding from last year.  They produced such sweet, intelligent, and beautiful pups, we wanted to try again!  These pups will all be either blue or blue fawn - with the possibilities of solid patterns, and parti- or pie-bald pups as well.

Stay tuned for updates and news!

Past Pupdate Pics

We're also excited by a few more birthday pics coming in from the Quantum Litter.  Here's "Divot" - (HT-Runrig Higgs):

And how about past-pup "Wilco"  (HT Rigatoni Sorrentino) grinning in his sleep for the camera?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quantum Litter Birthday Pics Already coming in!

It's official, we have the best puppy owners in the world.  :)  We already have a bunch of pics of our birthday kids, the Quantum pups, coming in:

Zig Zag!  (Horsetooth-Runrig Bohr)

Leo (Horsetooth-Runrig Gellman)

 Tau (Horsetooth-Runrig Tau Neutino) - got to have quite a celebration with his sisters!
 Still waiting patiently....

"Woohoo!  Finally!  Nom, nom, nom..."

 Stone (Horsetooth-Runrig Pauli)

Keep 'em coming guys!  They all look fantastic!

Happy Birthday to the Quantum Litter!

Happy 5th b-day to:

Charm Quark
Leo (Gellman)
Zig Zag (Bohr)
Stone (Pauli)
Tau Nutrino
Divot (Higgs)

How is it possible that the very first puppies from Horsetooth are already 5 years old?  

When they were first born, they reminded us of the shape & size of Taco Bell Burritos.  Then they quickly grew to the size of Chipotle Burritos.  Hence, we nicknamed them 'Charm Quark and the Flying Burrito Brothers'.  They will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dog Show News 04/12/15

Terry All Kennel Club (Brighton, CO) - 04/12/13

Another fun day in dog show land:

 Chewy - 9 to 12 mo. Dog Class - 1st place

Bok Choy - Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class - 2nd place

Trinity - Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class - 1st place

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Show News 04/11/2015

Terry All Kennel Club results (Brighton, CO):

9 to 12 month old Dog Class  
1st place

Bok Choy:  

Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class:  
2nd place


9 to 12 month old Bitch Class:  
1st place

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Huge Congratulations to a few of our Past Pups!!!

Popping in to wish congratulations to Rohan (HT Jules Winnfield) on his 1st place win AND going Best of Breed in ASFA lure coursing on Saturday, April 4th.  Good boy!

And not to be left out, we've got to give a shout-out to Omar (HT Oh Henry) and Kima (HT Skittles).  Omar graduated Agility Level 1, and Kima graduated Agility Level 2 at Longmont's Zoom Room.

 Kima and her classmate, PJ.


GREAT JOB ~ to the pups and the people!