Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Matrix Litter Pupdate 01/21/14

Got some more really nice shots of the Matrix puppies.  A few of these are from yesterday afternoon, and more from today...they're growing so fast, we can even tell the difference in days (and hours, it seems!) in how big they are.

Johnson got in on the action, greeting his puppies this morning...this was his first time up-close-and-personal with them.  He wasn't quite sure what to make of them.

Today was also the puppies' first toenail clipping...always an adventure.


 Mouse - starting to get a little white spot on the tip of his nose!

 Trinity and Neo

 Clockwise from left:  Trinity, Neo, Morpheus, Apoc...and momma Polliwog, supervising.

 Bunch of open-mouthed snoozing.

 "Better check the carbon monoxide detector...these guys are souuuuuund asleep."

Mouse giving a big puppy yawn & stretch for the camera.

 Front to back:  Mouse, Morpheus, Trinity, Neo

 Johnson and Trinity
 Johnson and Mouse

 Johnson and Mouse

Morpheus and Johnson

 Morpheus and Johnson

 Apoc and Johnson

 Neo and Johnson

 Neo and Johnson

 Tired Trinity...getting her nails done just plum wore her out.

 Yin and Yang for the day:  Neo and Apoc


More upside-down sleeping for Mouse...starting to see a trend here....

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