Sunday, January 15, 2023

Oo pups days 9 to 11

The Oo pups are still mostly just sleeping, eating, and GROWING!  Eyes should be popping open soon, and then the real fun will begin.

Current weights are:

Loocey Loo:   980 grams, or 2.16lbs    (birth weight - 392 grams)

Osgood Magoo:  1001 grams, or 2.21lbs   (birth weight - 382 grams)

Toodle-oo:  954 grams, or 2.10lbs (birth weight - 366 grams)

Oodles of Noodles:  850 grams, or 1.87lbs (birth weight - 331 grams)

Doodle: 930 grams, or 2.05lbs (birth weight - 337 grams)

Betty Boop:  890 grams, or 1.96lbs (birth weight - 363 grams)

Just to give a little perspective on how big these pups are - the average age pups reach 1000 grams is about day 18; so some of these guys are about a full week ahead of the curve! 

Mama Dots is willing to leave them a bit more often, as she gets over the need to be with them constantly (goodness knows they don't need to eat constantly!)  That allowed for a couple more pics of them all 'puppy piling' together, along with their first visit from a relative - Auntie Lychee, who is Dot's older full sister, got to give them a good sniffing and once over while Dots took a break from them.

Aunt Lychee giving the crew a 'once over.'

Puppy pile!


  1. Oh my goodness! They are getting so big. 😍

  2. They're such a big bunch...just like Dots' last pups. She makes sooo much milk!
