Saturday, January 28, 2023

Oo pups - 3.5 weeks

A little cold weather isn't slowing down the Oo's...they've been happily playing, eating, and snoozing under their heat lamp...they have no idea it's going to get much colder before it gets better!  

They're already getting their sharp little puppy teeth poking through, still enjoying their solid food (along with Dots' plentiful milkbar), and living the good life in general.

Just waking up...

Toodle-oo says, "Do I smell food?"

Doodle & Betty Boop (back)...still too sleepy to come investigate the food bowl.

Osgood Magoo & Oodles were all over it.

Toodle-oo would rather taste her own foot.

Osgood & Loocey Loo (front)

Now Toodle-oo thinks its more fun to harass poor Betty Boop than go eat.

"Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake UUUUUUP."

Doodle says, "I'm up!!!!"

Meanwhile...back at the food bowl...Oodles & Loocey Loo

Now Toodles is fussing sister Doodle!

Doodle says, "You think you want a piece of me?  Bring it."

And...more Oodles & Loocey

Toodle-oo finally made her way over to the bowl, along with Osgood & Betty Boop.

Doodle checking out some toys.

Clockwise from the top:  Betty Boop, Oodles, Loocey, Doodle, Toodle-oo, Osgood

"Nom, nom, nom, nom...."

Toodle-oo says, "If all else fails, get INTO the bowl to get a better feeding position..."

From left:  Loocey Loo, Doodle, Oodles, Betty Boop & Toodle-oo

Doodle seeks revenge on sister Toodle-oo

Toodle-oo doing a great Sharpei impression with all those face wrinkles!

Doodle & Osgood - last ones munching


  1. Toodle-oo is quite the character! Their snouts are starting to get longer? 😍 Hooray for starting solid food!!!!

  2. Yes! Toodle-oo IS a character! This crew seems like they're going to have looong noses like their daddy already. :)
