Saturday, March 23, 2024

Gangsters Days 12 to 15

 We've hit the 2 week mark!  Not a whole lot to report, as pups are still mostly just sleeping and eating all the time.

Opal wins the prize for first eyes open (day 14).   Bonnie is the last pup holding out on keeping her peepers closed.  :)

Floyd wins the prize for first pup to actually 'walk' (ok...stagger) across the pool!

It's going to be a heated competition to see who climbs out of the small pool first (which will prompt me to get out the much bigger pool)...All pups are willing to 'scale' the sides and peek over the edge.

Litter box training begins today, and in the next 5 to 7 days, it'll be time to begin to introduce real food.  Time is just flying by!

And on to the good part - a few pics.  Not a lot, as I've been super busy with work this week, and also, the flash will be off the camera for a week to make sure to protect those newly-opened, delicate eyes.

Opal (top left), Twist, and Bonnie up top.  Nelson & Floyd together at bottom of pic.

I didn't arrange them this way - they did themselves!  💓
From left:  Nelson, Bonnie, Opal, Floyd, Twist

Nelson staggering about, while bonnie, Opal, Twist & Floyd are passed out.

Puppy pile!

Mama Lyla power washing  a nursing Nelson.

Floyd's thinking about waking up and wandering around a bit...

Or maybe just chewing on brother Twist's head...while Bonnie is 'ooozing' across the pool.

Lunch time!